My Honest Everbee Review: Pros & Cons
A little over a year ago, I sold my first product on Etsy.
It was a pretty magical feeling to hear the cha-ching go off for the very first time. My revenue for that first product was only a little over a dollar, but for me, it was a lot more than a dollar.
It was a beginning.
And if you’ve been reading my articles, you already know that one of my favorite passive income side hustles is to sell printables on Etsy.
It started when I saw a free workshop on how to make a side hustle by selling Etsy printables. Within weeks, I had taken the full course and started my Etsy shop selling printables.
And in only two months, I scaled the revenue from 0 to $1000/month in only two months.
I’ve included my statistics for the first six months, which I am pretty happy with:
(The stats for the first 6 months on Etsy. The numbers are in NOK, but you can divide by 10 to get an approximate number in US dollars. There are some fees, of course — I usually have between 20 and 25 per cent in fees to Etsy.)
People often ask how it was possible — and I really think there is one important answer to that. And that is SEO.
It would not have been possible to succeed that quickly on Etsy without the hours I invested in doing SEO research. Over the past months, I have tested lots of different tools — but one of the ones I keep coming back to, and know contributes to my earnings, is Everbee.
The two features of Everbee that I really like is the chrome extension, where analytics is built-in when I am searching Etsy, and how easy it is to get the estimated monthly revenue for competing products.
Although I never make products that are too similar to competing products, I am focusing on revenue and these statistics give me valuable information about which products are making the most money.
I use the information from my competitors on their top products as a help decide price levels, to see when it is right to make a bundle of my existing products, to look for features and styles that make people buy — and sometimes just for inspiration.
And today, in this honest Everbee review, I’ll go through the main features of Everbee, as well as show you how to use Everbee for free!
Etsy SEO tools: Everbee is one of my favourite Etsy SEO tools - and even the free version gives a lot of value!
Can I trust Everbee?
But before getting into that, I want to pause and consider if Everbee numbers are safe to trust or not.
My experience is that Everbee has been super-useful and that it is safe to trust the numbers.
As you might now, Etsy does not give out all the information available on EverBee. Therefore, Everbee as built a smart algorithm that uses data such as views, reviews, listing history, and much more to make estimates.
According to Everbee, the algorithm gives an average accuracy rate of around 80 per cent. I’ve tested against my own numbers, though, and I am really impressed with the accuracy.
But there are differences in which numbers are most accurate, so let’s dive a bit deeper into the most important question:
Are Everbee data accurate?
The thing is, one of the most important features of Everbee is calculating revenue per item. And that number is not released by Etsy — so it is a calculation based on numbers that ARE available.
Therefore, it is not 100% accurate. However, I’ve tested the numbers against my own 150 products (where I obviously know the revenue per product) and they are surprisingly accurate, especially for the high-selling items. For the products that sell a couple of products per month, Everbee is less accurate — but then again, you won’t be interested in your competitors’ low-performing products, so that doesn’t matter much.
How much does Everbee cost a month?
There is a free plan available, where you can do limited product analysis without all the premium features (usually five searches per month). This might sound little, but it can really help you as well!
Then, there is a growth plan at $29/month, which gives you unlimited analytics searches per month, and a growth plan for $99/month.
I haven’t found any prices lower than these.
My experience is that it is super-valuable to have at least the growth plan for months when you are many products. If you have a slower period in your Etsy shop and don’t do a lot of analysis, you can do fine with the free plan.
Do you have to pay for EverBee?
The pretty amazing thing about EverBee is that you don’t have to pay — you don’t even have to give them your credit card!
You can sign up with just a few clicks, and that will unlock the opportunity to get lots of value by doing some limited searches. If you like it (and I think you will — I know it was an important factor in getting to $1000/month so quickly in my Etsy shop, at least), you can sign up for a paid plan. But you can absolutely start with the free plan, which is what I did.
And here’s how you do that:
Sign up for Everbee
To get started, you will need to sign up for an Everbee account.
What I love is that you don’t need to leave your credit card, so unlike a lot of other tools, you don’t need to worry about cancelling.
Enter Your Product Keyword
Once you have logged into your Everbee account, enter your product keyword in the search bar. For example, if you want to sell handmade jewelry, you would enter “handmade jewelry” as your keyword.
Everbee will return a list of products that match your keyword. What I am usually looking for here, is which products are making the most money. Because if they are making money — so can I!
Analyze Your Competitors
Another great feature is to click on “Shop Analyzer” and type in the name of shops you are competing with.
Everbee will pull up all of their products with estimated profits and monthly sales per products. You can click on each of the products to get even more info — like listing age, total sales and even some of their tags (in the paid version, you’ll obviously get all the tags and a lot more as well).
Everbee review
Is Everbee worth getting? I’d say heck yeah!
As shown above, the free version is super-easy to install and can give you a lot of value. You’d obviously gain even more insights with the paid version.
In order to succeed on Etsy, SEO is probably the most important thing you can implement. And getting insights from Everbee can help you see which products you should focus on next.
Want to learn more?
If you thought this was helpful, you are most welcome to join my 7 day challenge to start a new Etsy shop.
Alternatively, you can grab my free mini e-book with 13 Etsy mistakes you really want to avoid or watch the free workshop that started everything for me.
And of course, I do have a lot of great products for you if you are selling on Etsy. One of the most popular ones is my Etsy Starter Pack - it is full of commercial rights templates, mockups and Etsy shop banners - even some Pinterest pins for printable sellers!
You can read more about it here (and yes, it will be super-useful for you with an existing Etsy shop as well!).